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5 Cares to Implement During IVF Treatment

My journey through IVF treatment was a unique situation just like yours. Not one person will experience the same journey, even if you have the same diagnosis and protocol. As I walked through my IVF treatment, I was introduced to the following care steps. My wish is that I would have had these on day one of my infertility diagnosis. This blog is titled for IVF, but the reality is these cares can be initiated at the start of any infertility treatment.

1. Acupuncture: this care promotes blood circulation and assists with regulating hormones. It also seems to have an anti-inflammatory effect. I utilize acupuncture monthly for my endometriosis as it helps control my cycle pain. In addition, it is thought to impact particular endorphin levels positively. I highly recommend adding an acupuncturist to your care team.

2. Meditations and affirmations: I purchased the IVF meditation pack from Circle and Bloom and listened to them daily. I also had it playing during our transfer and for days after. They have an entire section dedicated to miscarriage and infertility. A free option is YouTube. Simply search infertility meditation and choose one that catches your eye. I put my earbuds in at night and fall asleep after or during my meditation. My affirmations are hanging on my bathroom wall or in a place where you will see them while getting ready for the day. I have made a download with my favorite ones you can print and use today. You can also read them first thing in the morning and before going to sleep.

3. Surround yourself with support: This may also mean removing yourself temporarily from situations that cause more angst or cause more stress than help. It’s ok to say no to certain events, situations, or not hanging out with certain people or groups that could trigger you. While you are moving through this phase, you need to protect your mind and heart. Finding a support group or someone who has been through infertility in the past will be helpful. A fertility coach can also be an amazing source of support!

4. Ask questions: Fully understanding your treatment is a form of care. Having your questions answered will alleviate stress and confusion. There is NO such thing as a “silly” question. I made a download with my top 10 questions to ask your reproductive endocrinologist you can print and take with you! You can listen to episodes 2 and 3 of Hopeful Hints: An Infertility Podcast, where I discuss this topic more.

5. Fill your cup first: What do you enjoy doing? What was a hobby, sport, or event you participated in before infertility? Is there a book that looked good to read or a series you have wanted to watch? Book a massage or day at the spa. Spoil yourself! Take the day off of work and do nothing. Book a vacation with just the two of you. If you travel for treatment, extend your trip and go on a mini getaway.

When my transfer was canceled, I still kept my airline ticket and went on a ski trip with my cousin. It was exactly what my mind, body, and soul needed. I would love to hear what are some personal cares you have implemented during your treatment!

Also Read: First Trimester Bleeding in IVF Pregnancies


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