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What is Cervical Mucus and Can I Do Anything to Improve It?

What is Cervical Mucus and Can I Do Anything to Improve It?

What is Cervical Mucus and Can I Do Anything to Improve It? Cervical mucus is a fluid that is secreted by the cervix and stimulated by the hormone estrogen. This fluid fluctuates during your menstrual cycle, but it is essential to be familiar with it as it plays a key...

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Five Fertility Myths

Five Fertility Myths

Are you trying to get pregnant but finding it difficult to sort fact from fiction? With so much fertility advice on the internet, it’s hard to know what information you can trust and what your next steps should be. Here are the top 5 biggest myths and misconceptions...

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The Financial Burden of Infertility

The Financial Burden of Infertility

The Financial Burden of Infertility As if the stress and trauma weren’t enough, the expense and financial burden of infertility adds insult to injury. Although infertility is recognized as a disease, the insurance coverage for many is limited or non-existent.. The...

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When Should I Share My Infertility Struggles With Others?

When Should I Share My Infertility Struggles With Others?

Deciding to share your infertility story is a difficult decision. This road is extremely lonely, isolating, and full of every single emotion imaginable. Yet couples endure it in privacy and silence. Statistics show that 61 percent of women going through infertility...

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Is Infertility Traumatic?

Is Infertility Traumatic?

As many as 1 in 6 couples have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. When I first learned I was “infertile”, my emotions were affected like any other significant loss — in this case I was grieving my sense of control over my families’ destiny. Like...

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